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Vajra TCAL – Part 3

This is the fifth week of the Vajra TCAL and this week we are going to continue making the scarf all the way until Round 30! The two rows of small diamonds will be worked together now and I found that keeping my counts right was the hardest in this section. It gets easier once the second row of small diamonds is complete 🙂

TCAL Schedule

  • March 25 – March 31: Get your supplies!
  • April 1 – April 7: Let’s en-gauge 🙂
  • April 8 – April 14: Part 1 (Rounds 1 – 10)
  • April 15 – April 21: Part 2 (Rounds 11-20)
  • April 22 – April 28: Part 3 (Rounds 21 – 30)
  • April 29 – May 5: Part 4 (Rounds 31 – 40)
  • May 6 – May 12: Part 5 (Rounds 41 – 50)
  • May 13 – May 19: Part 6 (Last part – Rounds 51 – 62)
  • May 20 – May 26: Final submissions for the grand prize and judging 🙂


If you haven’t already bought it, you can find the pattern on Ravelry and Etsy. You need to use the coupon VAJRATCAL to get a 25% discount on the pattern until May 19, 2019.

Part 2 Winner!!!

Everyone is doing a great job with their scarves! Some people had to frog and start again because they just noticed unwanted twists in their scarves. There were five people who made it to Round 20 (and beyond) and here is the winner!!

The lavender in the background looks lovely and I can’t wait to see the color change! Congratulations Emi Lie!

Week 5 – Part 3 (Rounds 21 – 30)!

This week, we will continue making the scarf. The target is to be able to make the next 10 rounds all the way to Round 30! This is going to be the most challenging part of the scarf in terms of keeping the counts correct. I promise it gets better once all the overlapping sections are complete 🙂

Things to remember:

  1. Keep your tension consistent – As my scarf grew, my stitches started getting a little loose. I think that was because the weight of the scarf was pulling it down as I was working on it.
  2. Make sure that the scarf isn’t curling – You must have figured out the perfect yarn/hook combination but if your scarf is still curling, try going up a hook size.
  3. Count Count Count – This is the most important thing in this scarf. I have lost focus and made a lot of mistakes. I had to frog a bunch of times for this reason and I learnt my lesson after a little bit. I never stopped counting after that! 🙂
  4. Visually inspect your scarf (ideally) after every repeat or after every few repeats. It is easier to frog a small section and redo it rather than having to frog an entire round.
  5. Have fun!

Don’t forget to take pictures!! Share them on the group and on Instagram using the hashtag #vajratcal.

Video tutorials

I have right and left handed video tutorials on my Youtube channel. You can find all my Tunisian crochet video tutorials here.

How to participate

  • Newsletter: If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to my newsletter to get all important updates of this TCAL.
  • Join my TCAL: If you would like to officially join the TCAL, join my KnitterKnotter Hangout group on Facebook. I will schedule a live video in the group every Monday at 6.30 PM CST for me to be able to connect with you in real time 🙂
  • Instagram: You can follow me to get updates there and if you choose to share photos of your project, please use the hashtag #vajratcal so that I can find them.
  • Pinterest: You can find all tutorials related to this TCAL on my Vajra TCAL Pinterest board.
  • Facebook: If you would not like to join my group, you can find updates related to this TCAL on my Facebook page.
  • Ravelry: I will be grateful if you created a project on Ravelry. As a designer, it gives my pattern some credibility and it is a great way to show off your scarf too 🙂


Denise Interchangeable has kindly offered to sponsor the prizes for this TCAL. There will be 6 prizes in all – one at the end of each part (See TCAL schedule above).

At the end of each of the first five parts, one person will win a Pink Tunisian Crochet set. It consists of one hook (You will be able to choose a hook size – they range from 3.75 mm to 15 mm), two cords, two end buttons and one extender for cord to cord connections.

Note: These prizes are for US residents only. Non-US residents will receive a Denise Interchangeable gift card worth $20 instead.

One person will win the grand prize at the end of the TCAL which will be the Denise2Go Complete Crochet set!! It consists of twelve hooks, seven cords, four end buttons and 2 extenders that come in a pretty fabric and portable case.

I have the Denise Interchangeable Hook Kit* and I love it. I used it to make the Vajra scarf and have continued to use it for my other projects too.

Note: Everybody (US and non-US residents) is eligible for the grand prize! 

How to win

Instagram: Tag your TCAL progress photos with #vajratcal as many times as you like. (Your Instagram account must be public.)

Facebook:  Join the KnitterKnotter Hangout Facebook group and post your progress photos to that week’s TCAL update thread.

I will look at both Instagram and Facebook at the end of every week and choose one winner (You must have completed the part for that week to be eligible). It’s that simple!


These tutorials will be helpful in getting a head start on this pattern.

Share your pictures with me!

I really hope you liked this pattern. I would love to see your version of this design so please share your pictures with me!
– Share them on Instagram with the tags #knitterknotter, #madewithknitterknotter, and @knitterknotter
– Share them in my Facebook Group
– Create a project on Ravelry

I strive to offer my patterns for free and that is possible only with your support. Please share this pattern and your pictures as much as possible. Every share counts 🙂

Copyright and Terms of Use

This pattern is for personal use only. You are welcome to make and sell handmade items using this pattern but you are required to credit the design to Arunima Goel @ KnitterKnotter by linking back to Do not publish or sell this pattern, in part or in full and do not make any video tutorials of this pattern without my permission. When featuring KnitterKnotter in pattern roundups, blog articles or Facebook posts, you may use one of my photos and provide a link back to the original source.


This page may contain affiliate links where I earn a small commission. While using these links doesn’t cost you more, it helps me continue to offer patterns for free. Thank you for your continued support!


You will receive alerts for new patterns and sneak peeks of my future patterns. I also share deals with my subscribers that you won’t get elsewhere!!